Areas of Practice

Contact Information

telephone: 214-272-9429
facsimile: 866-535-3371

Office Locations

7557 Rambler Rd.
Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75231
1400 Preston Rd.
Suite 400
Plano, TX 75093




Family Law

Dement Roach & Stern PLLC understands the difficulty that our clients endure during divorce and other family law related matters. We are committed to providing our clients the proper legal advice and representation needed to protect their interests during those difficult times.

We have gained valuable courtroom, trial, and negotiation experience in family law which we now combine with the principles of collaboration to obtain the best outcome for clients related to both property and children. With a focus on the development of effective short and long term goals we are able to navigate clear paths to resolving issues involving assets, businesses, debts, custody, visitation, and support. We are skilled at helping clients develop and articulate effective short and long term goals, and then proceed to effectively solve the difficult issues in order for our clients to achieve their goals. Partner Barrett A. Stern is also trained in collaborative law and offers this option to you as an alternative conflict resolution method.

Our attorneys have been recognized by the legal community for their work in the area of family law, as well as authored and written papers and spoke on issues in the areas of family law and discovery.

Dement Roach and Stern PLLC is ready to help you with the following areas of our family law practice:

Family Law Litigation
Collaborative Family Law Practice
Child Custody & Visitation Issues
Child Support
Complex Property Division & Asset Tracing
Spousal Maintenance & Alimony
Domestic Violence
Post Judgment Modifications and Enforcement
Premarital & Postmarital Agreements

To get the legal help you deserve with your family law matter contact our Plano or Dallas office to set up a consultation or e-mail  Barrett A. Stern.

Dement Roach and Stern PLLC looks forward to serving your family law needs.

Collaborative Law

In contrast to the traditional family law litigation model, collaborative law is a new and unique alternative dispute resolution method that allows parties in divorce and all other family law matters to negotiate peaceful agreements instead of having a court’s constant intervention. The collaborative law process allows our clients to reach a settlement that can better achieve the client’s goals through joint settlement meetings with the adverse party, counsel for both parties, and financial and counseling professionals. At all times during the process our clients have the benefit of our legal advice and advocacy in obtaining their realistic goals. The collaborative model provides our clients a way to settle their family law matters in a more amicable setting and minimize costs at the same time.

Partner Barrett A. Stern leads the firm in utilizing the collaborative process to our clients’ benefit. To learn more about the collaborative law process in any family law matter please contact  Barrett A. Stern.